Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 27, Chemo Round 3 :: We're Home!

Jade reading a bedtime story
to Little Jay from the comfort
of our own home!
This round was no longer or shorter than Round 2, but I think the cumulative effect of this journey that began in January is really starting to show its face around here.  Restlessness is the name of the game, so Jade's discharge today was really welcome news!

I don't fully understand how God works, but I know He does -- Jade's ANC jumped to 1,400 this morning.  So, after an EKG and echocardiogram to confirm that the chemo had not decreased Jade's heart function (one of the scarier potential side effects), we were sent on our way with
     1. scrips for meds to take at home,
     2. a Friday 8:30am appointment for an out-patient bone marrow biopsy &
     lumbar puncture, and
     3. a Tuesday, May 15th readmission date.

However short the break, we are grateful for this time together... for this space to breathe. My father came to the hospital to help pack up our month's worth of supplies, clothing, art projects, etc. and get us back home.  Jade was super excited to get fully dressed-- jacket and all -- and walk the halls to tell anyone she saw "bye-bye!!" She rocked out to Dru Hill and D'Angelo on the ride home and proceeded to run our household as soon as she walked through the front door (no small feat given the tall grass our lawn was sporting... yes, amidst all of this, we have become those neighbors.) We'll be enjoying family time at home until Jade is readmitted... and just might get some yard work in.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

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