Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 13, Chemo Round 2

Apparently constipation can be one of the side effects of chemo or the other related medicines Jade is taking.  So today turned out to be an eventful day, and by eventful I mean poop-ful.  That's right. The Miralax concoction Jade has taken over the past couple of days finally matured from stinky gas to full-on poop.  Dad counted at least 5 poopy diapers and one wardrobe change... thankfully, he was on duty today ;)  (Don't think I'll go into the process of saving soiled diapers, but not wipes, for the staff to measure how much she's putting out.)       

When Lil Jay and I arrived, it was after 7.  All of Jade's numbers had come in much earlier in the day:
Weight: 12.3kg
White Blood Cells: 1.88
Hemoglobin: 8.6
Platelets: 29
ANC: 0
All of these, with the exception of her ANC - which has already hit rock bottom - and hopefully her weight, are expected to decline while the chemo wreaks its havoc. Jade's ANC must be at 250 and climbing before the discharge papers come out. 250 is a great sign of the body's ability to produce white blood cells and begin fighting against infection and all the germs inside and outside of the hospital building.

The normal range for hemoglobin levels for kids is from about 10.5 to 14. Hemoglobin is a measure of how well red blood cells are carrying oxygen through  the body, so low hemoglobin levels translate to shortness of breath, fatigue, etc. When Jade's hemoglobin levels drop below 7, she'll be up for another transfusion (about a 4 hour process). 

Platelets help your blood to clot (I'm sure there is a bad West Indian joke in there somewhere, but it's a little late). Low platelet levels are a concern because it minimizes the body's ability to stop bleeding; the biggest concern for Jade would be internal bleeding that her body wouldn't be able to stop.  So, naturally, I'm freaking out about her falling or hitting anything. When her platelets drop below 10, she'll be up for a platelet transfusion (about a 15 minute process). 

We said goodnight at about 9:30, made our way to the car (but not before Lil Jay accidentally slid through someone else's vomit in the lobby... I know, a hazard of being in the hospital, but really it needs to be cleaned up. Just glad I have Lysol and paper towels in the car), and got home at about 10:15.  

Grandma and Dave, thanks for stopping by to keep Jade and Jaytoe company today! (And yes, that is Lil Jay's favorite new pose -- palming Jade's head.)


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